Be Part of Golden Home Return Great Vision
Transparency, Integrity and Service to the Community
Preparing everyone for a hassle free burial and beyond – GHR Canada
- To Address funeral-related challenges within our community.
- To provide funeral assistance to all registered adherents.
- To promote and preserve cultural values; bring our community together not only for funerals but for community events.
- To promote capacity building in our community and strengthen broad-base consultations and decision making through community engagement.
- Community Ownership: Ownership of GHR Canada belongs to well constituted and registered cultural groups from the English regions of Cameroon
- All expenses are disclosed to the general assembly. Processed account will be Audited Yearly.
- The general Assembly is the final decision-maker
- Term of office for board members is two years renewable once
- The general assembly elects the board of directors
- Each association is entitled to two votes via their respective representatives that make up the general assembly.
- Broad base consultations on decision making
in progress
Ø Guideline and procedure Manual
Ø Fund raising event scheduled for October 10, 2020
Ø Sensitization to bring in more members to mitigate cost per adherent
Ø Facebook page
Ø Twitter